Happy Birthday POBA & My goal for Lent!

Happy birthday PerksofBeingAlly, you are three today!

I probably shouldn't be dedicating a post to my blogs birthday as I've gone on about 138484 hiatus' since it turned two! But it's my blog and I can post whenever and however I want! Although I've not blogged as much as I hoped I would in the last year, when I have, I have absolutely loved it. It's my little place on the internet where I can write about things I like, share what I'm wearing or just talk about how I'm feeling. It's going to be great being 60 and reading everything back! My life would be completely different right now had I not started this blog three years ago, so cheers to three years!

As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm quite the pessimist. I constantly think about what's going wrong, how it's going to get worse and how I'm never going to feel happier. I will be turning twenty in four weeks and I don't want to stay how I am. I know how I want to be and what things I want to do, but I pick out the cons and force myself into thinking I can't do anything I desire to. I don't want to be that person that looks at everyone else and feels jealous, thinking "I wish I could do that" I'm too young and also too old for excuses. I might not live to the next February 26th and I don't intend on leaving feeling incomplete!

Recently I've been feeling happier (I don't care about jinxing that, I'm not going to feel happy forever so I'm appreciating it while I can!) I've been busy and changing things in order to keep myself happy without caring what others will think. I'm not religious but I do love taking part in Lent, so this year my goal for Lent is to continue thinking and being positive. I will start doing things that genuinely make me happy and see how I can change my attitude towards any negativity.

What are your goals for lent?

What's your opinion?